Hi there again :)
Okay. Just as I promised, I'll tell you the story of... no, not the story of my life but how I started the blog:) It all began with an ICT course for teachers I took two months ago. The course introduced new (to me anyway) ideas of teaching with the help of ICT. One of the suggested forms was eTwinning. To learn more about it, I have taken yet another, online course. What is eTwinning you ask? That's what I'm still learnig but don't tell anyone;) No, but seriously. We look for "twin" schools in Europe, that is schools that share the same or at least similar specialization. For example I teach in a vocational school for cooks, waiters and hoteliers. Once we find such schools, we can exchange ideas, experiences etc Then we can start different projects together. At least that's the theory. The online course I've been taking for several weeks now, gives us different tasks to complete. All these tasks are connected with ICT, and foreign languages. All of this is supposed to help us get ready for starting our own projects.
That's the story so far...
I mean, there's more but I have to get up at 6am, and I like to get the sleep I deserve;)
The story continues very soon...
Good night :)
Cześć Łukasz
OdpowiedzUsuńMyślę że mogę napisać do ciebie po polsku???
Tak na marginesie, podoba mi się twój kotek. Ja też zaczęłam pisać bloga po raz 1-y. Mam podobne refleksje co ty , kiedy ludzie mają czas to pisać, może mają nadmiar czasu albo są uzależnieni od internetu tak jak my? To żart, ale moja rodzina już sobie żarty ze mnie robi,że ciągle jestem przy komputerze... A ja tylko odrabiam zadania domowe...
Jak twoja współpraca w eTWINNING,jakieś konkrety?Znalazłeś partnerów?Ja mam juz kontakty, ale trochę brakuje mi czasu i pomocników żeby wystartować na "full".
TAK sobie myślę, że ktoś kto nie jest w temacie doesn't know what's going on?
Do usłyszenia...