It's not me...but this is how I feel after a hard day's work

niedziela, 20 marca 2011

Day... eee.... three...???

Yes, I know. I haven't been writing for a few days... But the week's been busy and long (or should I say short...?) Well, it's Sunday anyway. Ok. So every week the tasks are different, and they get more difficult. Last week it was starting a blog or having a conversation on Skype, and one more option I think. You know what I've chosen, don't you;)? This week's task is to prepare a project. Since I'm one lucky b... I've already found partners and started a project :) But the decsription of the project was supposed to be one of my last things to write here. I wanted to boast about it...;)Oh well... The project started almost two weeks ago. Students from my school work with students from France and Lithuania. As of now, they've all prepared Chinese portraits of themselves and vokis which represent a digital image of themselves on Twinspace. Now they have to prepare lists of vocabulary connected with food... That's already telling you what the project is about...
To be continued :)

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